
Oh Beloved,

take me.

Liberate my soul.

Fill me with your love and

release me from the two worlds.

If I set my heart on anything but you

let fire burn me from inside.


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Thursday, May 08, 2003

Soul Mates

The mechanics of deep soul connection transcend our expectations for a "normal" relationship. True love, deep love, real love, is a lightning bolt that strikes without reason and WILL NOT fit to your preconceptions or the story you've told yourself about how it is going to be. Don't miss out on the real thing because it doesn't conform to your fantasy. Your heart knows all -- listen to it. Your heart never makes the wrong choice. So what if you have to move to London or leave your drearily comfortable relationship or live without money. JUMP!! It's the only reason we are alive -- to be in love. If you won't let yourself burn in the fire of love, then you will never be truly alive. I've jumped off that cliff and I've hit the rocks at the bottom -- and I'll do it again, because the fall is BLISS.

As I like to say, "Love is inconvenient."

Do soul mates exist? Yes, yes, yes. If you've been there, you know. Sometimes a soul connection requires separation. There is no roadmap for the real thing. We are here to unfold ourselves in love with ourselves, each other, the universe. What it takes to get us there is different for each of us.

I never fall in love
I never fall out of love
All I do is remember
That I have always been in love
And always will be
